Lowbrow in the Press

Lowbrow’s emphasis on breaking conventions on and offstage creates paid opportunities for emerging artists to grow, while opening the art form to new audiences. — Seattle Times

The Lowbrow Opera Collective. . . is redefining what opera can be. They believe that opera should not be limited to exclusive venues or reserved for the elite. Instead, they seek to create an inclusive and welcoming space where people from all backgrounds can experience the beauty and power of this art form.

Their productions are characterized by new stories developed in collaboration with emerging artists. By focusing on contemporary narratives and exploring themes that resonate with younger generations, they aim to bridge the gap between opera and a more diverse audience. Through their work, they hope to dispel the common misconceptions associated with opera and showcase its relevance in today's world. . .By offering a platform for new voices and perspectives, they contribute to the evolution of opera as an art form. — P World News Network

Dealing smartly with pressing social issues is a hallmark of Lowbrow Opera Collective’s brand…not by simply abridging or diluting existing works, but by starting from scratch and creating, reinventing and reinterpreting.

…another thing to love about Lowbrow’s approach: go forth and do things that aren’t being done. Make opera on stage more representative, more accessible, more queer. Just because no one else is doing it doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Here it works wonderfully well. — NWTheater

[D]eftly, wittily and energetically cribs from/sends up practically every musical idiom the cast just spent four years studying.” — Seattle Magazine

“[I]t’s paired with a freshness that’s not captured strictly in the genre or the storyline. . .It’s unexpected. And it’s fucking hilarious.” — NWTheatre

“ . . . if you are open to hearing classically trained opera singers conduct perfectly harmonized rounds while a personified intestine dances around or a giant makeshift dildo accidentally rolls under your seat, then this is the show for you.” Drama in the Hood